Week One: Water Use in Minnesota
On average, a family of 4 in Minnesota will utilize 252 GALLONS of water EVERY DAY. How is this possible?
Much of it is invisible to us; virtually everything we use, eat, and wear every day requires water to produce. Here’s how our daily water use typically breaks down:
65.7% Thermoelectric: Water used by coal, oil, or nuclear energy production. Some of this water is used only for cooling and is returned to its natural source.
8.6% Domestic Use: Daily use of water in our homes, such as flushing, showering, cleaning, and food prep.
7.7% Public Supply: Parks, firefighting, public pools, etc.
7.4% Mining: Used in mining materials such as taconite.
5.4% Industrial, Livestock, & Aquaculture: Habitat, watering, cooling, sanitation, etc.
5.2% Irrigation: Mostly in agriculture, but also used for golf courses, parks, etc.
The Take-Away: All Conservation is Water Conservation. Any time we turn off the lights when we leave a room, choose to repair rather than replace, carpool and compost, we are helping to save water.
Week Two: Water in Developing Countries, part 1
Access to Safe, Clean Water is a significant problem in the developing world!
Organizations like SURGE for WATER, a community driven, women led, women centered non-profit, are working hard to increase local access to Safe, Clean Water.
More than 1 million people are killed each year by water related illnesses from dirty water.
Please see the attached links to learn more about SURGE for WATER, their initiatives to provide access to safe, clean water & to view the presentation that Surge founder, Shilpa Alva, gave to our Sacred Water group.
Here is the link to the Zoom recording: Passcode: 4#Nc#NTv
Week Three: How Are We Using Water in American Homes?