This video beautifully captures the heart of our partnership with the
San Lucas Mission, highlighting the incredible impact we're making together.
!Que Dios los bendiga siempre!
Our group of 21 STB travelers arrived in San Lucas Toliman on February 2nd. We were blessed to be able to bring over $8400 to contribute to the mission, to use in any manner that they thought most beneficial to the people. The money came from the generosity of our faith community, through coffee sales dating back to 2019 (the time of our last San Lucas trip) and a recent pancake breakfast fundraiser. !!Muchas gracias!!
The bulk of the money was designated for housing – enough to construct two homes for needy families! Our donations were enough to allow for the construction of what the Mission calls hybrid houses. These have walls partially of concrete block, with wood siding for the remainder. All of the houses have concrete flooring and tin roofs. They will also have a new outside-vented concrete block stove.
The crew from St. Thomas Becket had the unique opportunity to help the first family, Rony, Maria and Rony Jr., with the deconstruction of the old house, which was made of tree limb posts, board and tarp siding and a dirt floor. Their temporary housing during the construction was a tiny tin-roofed shed.
We moved a lot of dirt, boulders, sand and gravel to clear and level the area and prepare concrete (by hand!) for the foundation. We also learned a new trade: bending and prepping rebar for use in the concrete portion of the structure. We were able to work with and learn from Gregorio, the mission crew chief, as well as Luis, a young man who, among other things, split by hand a boulder that was in the path of the foundation, using only a hammer, chisels and wedges. Rony put a lot of sweat equity into his new home, working alongside Gregorio, Luis and our crew. Rony Jr. and his 10 year old cousin, Ana, pitched in as well, moving materials and tying rebar. Work ethic starts young in Guatemala!
With only a short time to work on the house, we were only able to see the footings completed. The long-term volunteers from the Mission updated us on the progress through photos of the work. Their new home has two bedrooms, a living area, as well as a covered kitchen area just outside the house.
We received a picture of the “grand opening” on March 6, with the home decorated with balloons and pine needles. Rony and Maria were so thankful for the work of our crew and the generosity of the people of St. Thomas Becket. They were a delight to get to know as we worked with them on their new house. Here is a translation of their message to us:
Welcome to our new home. We thank you very much for all you have done for us.
May God bless you always. We don’t have any way to pay you, but know that God will multiply what you have done for each family in need. Many thanks. ~~Rony and Maria
As a group, we felt so blessed to have been a part of this process. The generosity of the STB family has really changed the lives of this family. As Rony and Maria said, que Dios los bendiga siempre (May God bless you always.)