Gift Bearers
Step by Step of what you have to do:
ONE: As soon as the Prayers of the Faithful finish, do not sit down. Come to get the plate of bread and pitcher of wine from the gifts table (near the baptismal font).
TWO: Walk together up the main aisle toward the altar. You can go up right away as the music is playing, do not wait.
THREE: When you reach the bottom steps in front of the altar, bow from the waist.
FOUR: Walk up the steps. Split and go around on different sides, meeting in the back.
FIVE: In unison, raise the gifts in the air together (about the height of the top of your head).
Step forward and place the gifts on the altar.
SIX: Step back, bow together, and exit together from the side or front, in whatever way makes the most sense to return to your pew.